Privacy Policy

The information we collect

You are not required to provide any personal information on the public areas of this website. However, you may choose to do so by completing the application forms on various sections of our website.

How we use this information

We will only use the information you provide us on these sections of the website in order to process the relevant application form. Please see the privacy wording on the relevant form for a more detailed explanation of how your information will be used. Please note that in order to process your application form we may, on occasion, be required to share your information with Linklaters offices and branches our associated firms around the world, and any third parties who provide services on our behalf. However, we have taken steps to ensure that all such entities provide adequate protection of your data. We will only disclose your information to third parties after you have given your consent, we are required to do so by law, if  it is necessary for legal proceedings, or in order to exercise or defend legal rights.